Source code for copulae.indep.indep

from typing import Collection, Union
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from copulae.copula import BaseCopula, EstimationMethod, Summary
from copulae.stats import random_uniform
from copulae.types import Array, Ties
from copulae.utility.annotations import *
from .summary import FitSummary

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

[docs]class IndepCopula(BaseCopula[int]): def __init__(self, dim=2, fields: Collection[str] = None): r""" The Independence copula is the copula that results from a dependency structure in which each individual variable is independent of each other. It has no parameters and is defined as .. math:: C(u_1, \dots, u_d) = \prod_i u_i Parameters ---------- dim: int, optional The dimension of the copula fields: list of str The names of the data's columns """ columns = list(fields) if fields is not None else None if columns is not None: assert len(columns) == dim, "number of fields must match copula dimension" super().__init__(dim, "Independent", FitSummary(dim), columns) @validate_data_dim({"x": [1, 2]}) @shape_first_input_to_cop_dim @squeeze_output def cdf(self, x: Array, log=False): return np.log(x).sum(1) if log else
[docs] def fit(self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], x0: Union[Collection[float], np.ndarray] = None, method: EstimationMethod = 'ml', optim_options: dict = None, ties: Ties = 'average', verbose=1, to_pobs=True, scale=1.0): if verbose > 1: warn("IndepCopula does not need 'fitting'") return self
@property def params(self): return self.dim @validate_data_dim({"x": [1, 2]}) @shape_first_input_to_cop_dim @squeeze_output def pdf(self, x: Array, log=False): return np.repeat(0 if log else 1, len(x)) @cast_output def random(self, n: int, seed: int = None): return random_uniform(n, self.dim, seed) @select_summary def summary(self, category: Literal['copula', 'fit'] = 'copula'): return Summary(self, {})