Source code for copulae.core.linalg

from typing import Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
from statsmodels.stats.correlation_tools import cov_nearest

from .exceptions import NonSymmetricMatrixError

__all__ = ["corr2cov", "cov2corr", "is_psd", "is_symmetric", "near_psd"]

[docs]def corr2cov(corr, std) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert correlation matrix to covariance matrix given standard deviation Parameters ---------- corr: (N, N) array like Correlation matrix std: (1, N) array like Vector of standard deviation Returns ------- ndarray (N, N) covariance matrix """ corr = np.asanyarray(corr) std_ = np.asanyarray(std) cov = corr * np.outer(std_, std_) return cov
[docs]def cov2corr(cov: np.ndarray, return_std=False) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """ Convert covariance matrix to correlation matrix This function does not convert subclasses of ndarrays. This requires that division is defined elementwise. and np.matrix are allowed. Parameters ---------- cov Covariance matrix return_std If True then the standard deviation is also returned. By default only the correlation matrix is returned. Returns ------- corr: (N, N) ndarray Correlation matrix std: (1, N) ndarray Standard deviation """ cov = np.asanyarray(cov) std_ = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) corr = cov / np.outer(std_, std_) if return_std: return corr, std_ else: return corr
[docs]def is_psd(M: np.ndarray, strict=False, tol=1e-12) -> bool: """ Tests if matrix is positive semi-definite Parameters ---------- M: (N, N) ndarray Matrix to be tested for positive semi-definiteness strict: bool If True, tests for positive definiteness tol: float Numeric tolerance to check for equality Returns ------- bool True if matrix is positive (semi-)definite, else False """ if isinstance(M, (int, float)): return M > -tol if strict else M >= -tol M = np.asarray(M) if not is_symmetric(M, tol): return False if strict: return (la.eigvalsh(M) > -tol).all() else: return (la.eigvalsh(M) >= -tol).all()
def is_symmetric(M: np.ndarray, tol=1e-8) -> bool: """ Tests if matrix is symmetric Parameters ---------- M: (N, N) ndarray Matrix to be tested for symmetry tol: float Numeric tolerance to check for equality Returns ------- bool True if matrix is symmetric """ if M.ndim != 2: return False r, c = M.shape if r != c: return False return np.allclose(M, M.T, atol=tol)
[docs]def near_psd(cov, method='clipped', threshold=1e-15, n_fact=100) -> np.ndarray: """ Finds the nearest covariance matrix that is positive (semi-) definite This converts the covariance matrix to a correlation matrix. Then, finds the nearest correlation matrix that is positive semi-definite and converts it back to a covariance matrix using the initial standard deviation. The smallest eigenvalue of the intermediate correlation matrix is approximately equal to the ``threshold``. If the threshold=0, then the smallest eigenvalue of the correlation matrix might be negative, but zero within a numerical error, for example in the range of -1e-16. Input covariance matrix must be symmetric. Parameters ---------- cov: (N, N) array like Initial covariance matrix method: { 'clipped', 'nearest' }, optional If "clipped", this function clips the eigenvalues, replacing eigenvalues smaller than the threshold by the threshold. The new matrix is normalized, so that the diagonal elements are one. Compared to "nearest", the distance between the original correlation matrix and the positive definite correlation matrix is larger. However, it is much faster since it only computes eigenvalues once. If "nearest", then the function iteratively adjust the correlation matrix by clipping the eigenvalues of a difference matrix. The diagonal elements are set to one. threshold: float Clipping threshold for smallest eigenvalue n_fact: int Factor to determine the maximum number of iterations if method is set to "nearest" Returns ------- ndarray positive semi-definite matrix """ cov = np.asarray(cov) if not is_symmetric(cov): raise NonSymmetricMatrixError('Covariance matrix must be symmetric') if is_psd(cov): return cov return cov_nearest(cov, method, threshold, n_fact, False)